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ENAiKOON iD: Changing the username to an e-mail address

A couple of months ago we changed the access to the old ENAiKOON fleet-control-web in order to enhance the privacy. Since then, the connection to your inViu account works with the new SSO login. As part of the introduction of the new, more secure online registration, the old username will have to be changed to an e-mail address. Further information about the change and directions can be accessed at: The 15th September 2012 has been chosen as the latest date of the conversion of the user name to an e-mail address. Due to the request of some of our customers, we have extended this deadline to the 15th October 2012. If you have not changed your ENAiKOON iD to an e-mail address yet, please do so as soon as possible! As of the 15th of October you will not be able to log in to inViu without using an e-mail address. For a fee of 49 € (excluding VAT), ENAiKOON will take in charge switching your login to an e-mail address. Changing the user name to an e-mail address When you log in with your old user name, you will see a window in which you enter your e-mail address and then press “send“.

Email address required for ENAiKOON iD

Once you have done this, you are logged into your account. You will then receive an e-mail from Open the received e-mail and click on the blue link in order to confirm your e-mail address.

ENAiKOON iD confirmation email

Once you have done so your e-mail address has been confirmed and can be used in combination with your password as your ENAiKOON iD. Single-Sign-On If your e-mail address and your password also belong to those of your Facebook, Google or Yahoo! accounts, you can easily log in by clicking on the appropriate symbol. You will then only need to confirm the access to your ENAiKOON iD once. That way you only need to remember one password. facebookgoogleyahoo Have you forgotten your password? In case you have forgotten your password, simply click on the „forgot password?“ link and you will receive an e-mail with a link that provides a direct access to your ENAiKOON user account where you will be able to define a new password.

ENAiKOON iD - log in

Is your user account blocked? In case you have entered an incorrect password several times the access to your user account will be blocked. In that case, please use the „forgot password?“ link.

ENAiKOON iD blocked?

Tips on how to create a secure password that you can easily remember as well as how to create sub accounts for your employees can be found on our website.
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