Kai Bagus is a 47 year-old man from Freiburg, Germany, who has been
suffering from HIV since 1998. He is the one in the 3-wheeled Duo on tour to
raise HIV and AIDS awareness. ENAiKOON proudly supports Kai on his journey from
Freiburg to Vladivostok. We equipped his Duo with our GPS tracking device, the
locate-04, allowing followers to track
Kai’s tour on inViu web or inViu routes.

Having extensively worked and volunteered in AIDS prevention education, his
goal is to give a positive face to being HIV positive, impart courage to those
suffering from HIV, and raise awareness of the disease. The “HIV
Aufklärungstour” (HIV Enlightenment Tour) will take Kai through Southern
Germany, Austria, Hungary, Romania, Moldova, Ukraine, Russia, and Mongolia over
the course of 5 months.

The vehicle used on tour is the Krause Duo 4 2, which is a German 3-wheeled
moped created for those with disabilities. The tour kicked off on April 23,
2013 and Kai is currently riding through the Ukraine. Follow his journey in
real time, on your Android phone using the
inViu routes app or on your browser by logging
into ENAiKOON’s
inViu web.
Email: duoaufreisen@gmail.com
Password: Kaibagus2013
Kai regularly posts his inViu location on Facebook and Twitter. Like the
Duo auf
Reisen Facebook page or follow @kaibagus on