Welcome to the new ENAiKOON.com
We gave ourselves a new look just in time to commemorate our 10-year anniversary, and we couldn’t be happier to share this moment with our most valued customers.
What’s new:
- ENAiKOON fleet-control-web is now called inViu pro
- to log in you now need an e-mail address
Web portal applications
You will see three buttons, make your selection by clicking on one of these buttons.
- inViu pro (black edition) = “ENAiKOON fleet-control-web” in the new colour theme black and turquoise. This new colour theme was well received by participants in the training seminar “ENAiKOON on Tour”.
- inViu pro (classic) = “ENAiKOON fleet-control-web” in the familiar orange colour theme
- inViu web = our new web portal. Read more about it here.
More privacy protection for your data
The data that is available in the ENAiKOON web portals is often personal data.
There are laws determining which confidential information deserves protection,
and for this the person held accountable to protect this data is the CEO or owner of
a company.
Secure log in with an e-mail address
To protect your data this login method will be in the future mandatory, from September 15th, 2012. From this date forward you must log in using your e-mail
and a new strong password.
Click the button below to learn exactly how to do it.

+49 30 397475-30

+49 30 397475-40
Subaccounts for your employees
It doesn’t make sense to give every employee your personal login details.
Assign all of your employees their own personal subaccount with the following information.
- an e-mail address
- a password
Then you can assign to every subaccount the trackables that should be monitored and whether the employee can only view the data or if they are allowed to make changes.
Step one:
Please note that the passwords are now case-sensitive, please pay attention to the uppercase and lowercase in your password:
Until now it was possible to write “Test-Password” as “test-password” or “test-PASSWORD”. Now with the case sensitivity “Test-Password” must be entered correctly. This rule applies to all main accounts as well as sub accounts.
Step two:
Stronger passwords
You’ve probably already noticed when creating a sub-account: As of now only stronger passwords apply. A password must consist of the following elements:
- Minimum of eight characters
- of these at least one must be uppercase
- of these at least one must be lowercase
- of these at least one must be a number
An example of a secure
password: mAKbiot13
It is not so complicated to create a secure password, this one means:
my Aunt Kathy’s birthday is on the 13th A password such as this meets all of the conditions, is unique, and is not in any dictionary. You can certainly find your own mnemonic for your password. The careless use of passwords was recently demonstrated in a study from the University of Cambridge. Read more about it here.
ENAiKOON’s anniversary
ENAiKOON looks back on 10 successful years of telematics solutions and is offering great deals to celebrate their anniversary.
Read what our telematics experts have to say and learn how you can get the most out of inViu and our telematics solutions.
Find out first-hand what ENAiKOON’s online vehicle tracking solution can do for you. Request for your free trial now!